September 4, 2012

Five Apps for the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad That Can Help You Get Back to School

The iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad devices are all powerful enough that they have essentially replaced a large portion of the preparation you need to do when heading back to school for the fall. What used to require an expensive trip down to a store like Office Max or Staples now just requires a few minutes of browsing in the iTunes App Store. By downloading and installing the following applications onto your device you can make sure you’re more than ready by the time your teacher starts his or her first lesson when you get back to class in the fall.

Adobe Reader

The official Adobe Reader application is designed to allow all iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad users to store and open Adobe PDF files on their devices. Teachers have a tendency to distribute digital copies of files to students, especially if that class has an online component. Distributing files in this format is also a great way to save teachers the troubles of printing off a few hundred copies of a document every few days. Having Adobe Reader installed on your device before the first class will make sure you’re ready for all handouts that you get from a teacher or professor.


The official Dropbox application allows you to access and open all files in your Dropbox account on your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad. Dropbox is a service that allows you to take files and make them instantly available over the Internet. Using Dropbox can be a great way to access a term paper or other types of research materials on your device whenever you’d like. Using Dropbox can save you the trouble of printing out large quantities of documents on your home printer or at the school library.


iNoteBox is a word processor and note taking application designed specifically for users of Apple’s iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad devices. You can take notes instantly in class and organize them into a series of digital notebooks for your convenience. No longer do you have to pay for one specific notebook for each class you decide to take.


iBooks is Apple’s first party electronic book reader application for the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. Apple has given educators and book publishers the ability to purchase text books through the iBooks interface. Instead of carrying a few hundred pounds of books around with you in a backpack wherever you go, consider spending much less money on digital versions of the books instead. iBooks also allows you to highlight and make notes within the pages of a book, the same way you would be able to on a hard copy.


OmniFocus is the ideal task management program for iOS devices. It’s a great way to keep track of your projects, homework, responsibilities, schedules and more. Instead of writing down something in a day planner, consider writing it down within the OmniFocus app. The app will also send you “Push” notifications whenever a specific deadline or task date approaches.

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